

Nicole. 26 years old. Wannabe Writer. Wannabe Photographer. Wannabe my Lover? You gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends.

I like reading. In general. If it’s written down, I’ll read it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a signboard or a classic masterpiece. That said, The Sandman rocks my socks. I have a whole quote from “Fear of Falling” inked on my body. If my boyfriend doesn’t stop me, my whole body will be covered with ink from that graphic novel by the time I’m 80.

I like playing games but I’m particularly particular with the RPG genre. I once played a single RPG for 26 times in a row. I counted.

Lastly, anime. Much to my detriment, I’m your typical fangirl. But I try not to offend people with my outbursts.

If you’ve read until here, thank you. I appreciate people who listen. People who read, most especially.